Dream Roll Summer Camp
Stories from Summer Camp:
Dream Roll 2022.
Four riders share their experience at The Dream Roll, a haven for motorcycles and adventure in the Pacific Northwest.
Dawndra: photographer.
Dream Roll. My friend Rhiannon aptly named it "Biker Babe Utopia.” I had no idea it was going to be so fun, so wild, so free. That I would leave there feeling a part of something big.
The ride there was beautiful; there were about 15 of us that rolled up together. I stayed in a bunk house with 6 amazing women. I only knew one of them well, and the others I had met before and really liked. We all left Dream Roll as close friends. That was one of the best things about it.
It's hard to choose my favorite part of the event. Maybe it was standing in line for a burrito and some amazing naked woman creature on a dirt bike would ride by. Or the amazing group ride we went on led by a magical woman.
As we all snaked through the windy open country roads, it felt like we were one. As cheesy as that sounds, it was a magical thing.
The live music was rad, and DJ Skylar absolutely killed it. We danced our asses off late into the night. Sativa was a masterful MC and entertainer. A TRUE QUEEN. Jello Wrestling was positively nuts. The vendors were all amazing, and I bought all the things. I had my tintype portrait made by Megan Karson, and that was definitely an empowering moment.
All in all, the best part was the unity, the energy, the fucking vibe. The different shapes, sizes, gender preferences– it was so inclusive, loving, and safe. Yet, we were all wild animals set free to just be ourselves– all for the love of fucking motorcycles.
The Litas at Dream Roll 2022
My friends and I were seeking a break from work, so a moto trip up the west coast from Los Angeles, CA to Shelton, WA to attend Dream Roll seemed like the perfect opportunity. Dream Roll was a blast! I never went to summer camp as a kid, so something so wholesome and welcoming as an adult was incredible. It’s an event where women and non-binary folks can truly be themselves. Where our love of riding motorcycles brought all of us together from different walks of life to dance all night, watch moto games and jello wrestling matches, hang by the lake, and just have an all-around good time.
We all felt free. I can’t wait to go back.
The organizers did such an awesome job making this event something special. Shout out to everyone involved!
As we make our way back to LA on this 12-day road trip, I couldn’t imagine a better experience for my first long-distance moto trip. The California and Oregon coast, the Redwood trees, the morning fog over our campsites —we’ve seen so much nature and have had so much fun on two wheels. I don’t want it to end!
It’s an event where women and non-binary folks can truly be themselves.
I have been blessed over the years by the friendships of a group of powerful young women who ride motorcycles (and do so much more). Most of us have since dispersed throughout the West, keeping in contact, but no longer having our periodic group rides, potlucks, and bonfire parties. Dreamroll brought some of us together again for the first time in years.
A few of us met at my house in Portland, and took the long route up the coast and Columbia river to Shelton, where Dreamroll was held. We navigated sweeping pathways underneath a fragrant cathedral of Douglas fir and Sitka spruce. We slowed for small towns, who seem to have always had a 30mph rule for life in general.
We arrived at the camp and found a line of hundreds of laughing, joyous, free wild women. We made fast friends with those nearby, ate ice cream, and buzzed with anticipation. Upon entering the camp, we were exhilarated by an exciting– but not overwhelming– elated energy.
We spent over 24 hours marinating in one another’s presence, while forming new friendships. I met people who live near me, who gave me a glimmer of hope for a place I’ve felt like a stranger for over a year. We swam naked, we raged, we had vulnerable and deep conversations, we rode. People who normally may not mix got to connect without the weight of “normal” life separating us. Nowhere to be other than right, right here.
This place provided us something sacred, a precious new level unlocked in love and acceptance. If you were lucky enough to be part of it, I want to ask you - how will you bring some of your Dreamroll back to that “normal” life?

The Friday of Dream Roll weekend, The Litas Portland met at our favorite queer, biker-owned coffee shop, Hinterland Empire, on the east side of Portland. After coffee, all the hugs from my familiar Litas, and getting acquainted with new Litas, eighteen of us were ready to cruise north on Washington’s beautiful country roads for a weekend to remember.
As a former founder and current active member, I’ve often led rides, but there is something very special about a group this big. On the road, we have such a demanding presence. At gas stations, we turn heads when our hair comes rolling out of helmets; in small towns, we send a wave to acknowledge the young fixated kids who freeze in their step with fascination as we by pass by; and at long red lights, we mischievously rev our engines, while we make as much noise as we damn well please.
All afternoon in my rearview mirror, there were motorcycles in perfect staggered formation, a beautiful line of bikes so long I couldn’t see the end of it. This made my heart fuller and fuller as we ripped and roared through the curves, knowing our destination was close. The Dream Roll is a safe campout, created solely for and by moto womxn, where we can release the pent up energy inside us, let loose and express ourselves all while making connections with old and new friends, friends with one common love —motorcycles. Plus: dancing, drinking, laughing, swimming, shopping, photography, moto games, water play and all around rowdy fun.
It was my fourth time attending The Dream Roll, and it was the best location yet. A fellow Lita brought my 100cc mini bikes by truck, which came in handy for braaping around camp and amusing the crowd in the egg game. Between the talented crowd pleaser, Sativa, and the intense Jello wrestling matches, there were tons of laughs, mustaches, and good energy all weekend long.
I witnessed small but sweet acts of womxn supporting womxn throughout the weekend that warmed my soul and reminded me that we are sisters– on and off the road.
While there will always be times I am a lone wolf rider, I love being part of this loving moto community. Through The Litas and The Dream Roll, I’ve met amazing womxn and made lifelong friendships that I am deeply grateful for. We all jump out of our vastly different lives and jump onto our beloved motorcycles. Alone or together, we become a force to be reckoned with.