We welcome women, trans women, and non-binary
You must be 18 years or older to join
All riding levels
All Motorcycles
All ages
We’re totally NOT a club. We’re an open, inclusive community of riders who share a love of motorcycles and good times. We specifically don’t allow riders to wear large patches because like we said… we’re not a club.
The most important thing is to not be intimidated. We’re literally the most welcoming crew you’ll come across and we can’t wait for you to join us. So, stop stressin’ and just show up already :).
If you would like to participate in any Litas hosted rides, you must have your motorcycle endorsement.
Speak up for what you believe in
Be unapologetically yourself
Don’t be afraid to go outside the norm
Stand up for what you care about
Live Freely and seek adventure
Rev your engine loudlyyyy