Social Links: @bikerbnb_adventures , @thelitasseattle , @thelitassnohomish, & @thelitasbellinghamwa
Photos by: @raisehellbill
with Litas from SEATTLE, SNOHOMISH, & Bellingham, Washington
Sara, Heather and Ashley on The Lassies Highland Scramble
Motorcycles have a special way of immersing riders in the landscapes they traverse, offering a connection to the surroundings that few other forms of travel can replicate. Last July, three Litas from Seattle, Snohomish, and Bellingham, Washington, embarked on an unforgettable journey through the stunning Scottish Highlands and Isle of Skye. Joining BikerBNB Adventures for their women-only tour of Scotland, they rode through a land of rolling hills and mystical terrain. From the towering peaks of the Munros to the serene, dark waters of deep lochs, Scotland's iconic beauty set the stage for a truly memorable adventure.
Follow The Litas Seattle co-founder Sara Diaz, Snohomish co-founder Ashley Winn, and Bellingham branch co-founder Heather Bielecki as they reflect on their summer adventure, riding through one of the world’s most iconic regions on a journey they’ll never forget. These are their words:
This was the first trip to Scotland and the UK for all of us.
Before our tour with BikerBNB, we spent some time exploring the amazing city of Edinburgh which would not have been complete without afternoon tea at the historic Edinburgh Castle and a Harry Potter walking tour (we couldn’t resist!)
ABOUT the tour:
Founded by a pair of siblings who love to ride, BikerBnB hosts a ‘Lassies Scramble’ tour every year for female riders. In 2023, Sara and Ashley joined the tour in Barcelona, Spain. We couldn’t wait to join back up with them in Scotland for another incredible adventure through the Scottish highlands and Isle of Skye. They meticulously curate some of the most incredible rides throughout the countryside and really put thought into creating an overall experience that you will never forget.
“I felt an innate understanding that all this land has been here before me and will be here after me.”
Where we started:
We started and ended at BikerBnB’s home base in Edinburgh. Over the course of five days, they took us north through the highlands out to the Isle of Skye. We rode through the Cairngorms National Park, along the shores of Loch Ness, and past the Three Sisters of Glencoe. Each location was more breathtaking than the last.
What we rode:
BikerBnB has their own fleet of bikes available to rent for their tours (or just to explore on your own). Sara and Ashley both rode a brand new 2024 Royal Enfield Himalayan 450 and were very impressed at how it rode. Sara said, “I’ve never ridden this model and I loved the nimble feel in comparison to the Himalayan 411 model.” Heather rode the Himalayan 411. “It was definitely an adjustment from my Softail. I had to get used to riding a lighter bike, riding more upright and also downshifting a lot more than I was used to. It took a couple days to get used to the difference; but then I stopped thinking about it too much, and it got much easier.”
One of the most incredible moments was crossing the bridge to the Isle of Skye and experiencing the wild weather changes as we rode up to the summit and back down. That day and riding through the beautiful green mountains and glens of Glencoe will be vivid in our minds for a long time.
Sara: “I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the local food! I had heard stories of typical food in the UK being stuff that I generally don’t like to eat; however, BikerBnB did an incredible job of making sure everyone’s dietary needs were met. My absolute favorite meal was from Foraged and Found, a catering company that uses local, seasonal, fresh ingredients. They served us the most amazing venison grilled over an open fire, with a beautiful herb salad and roasted butternut squash. I think about that meal a lot and wish I could’ve taken leftovers, haha!”
Heather: “I had no idea that there were so many backcountry type roads that run through all of Scotland. Most of them are narrow, winding single track roads in some of the most remote areas. I look forward to coming back to Scotland to visit more of these roads, including the infamous North Coast 500.”
Ashley: “The roads we explored on the Isle of Skye were my favorite part of the trip. We wound our way up a mountain pass and rode a single track road that took us through the most beautiful scenery. There were so many wooly sheep grazing along the side of the road; they were completely unbothered by our bikes passing by. At one point, we passed a highland cow (aka 'hairy coo') relaxing in the summer sun. It all just felt so perfectly Scottish. On the way down from the pass, the coastline came into view and it really took my breath away how gorgeous it was. I would love to make a trip back to explore Skye and the other Scottish isles.”
Sara: “I felt like I was in a movie. The first day or so had scenery that is somewhat similar to the Pacific Northwest, so it felt a little familiar— like I had seen it before. But as soon as we punched out to the coast and rode up toward Inverness, I literally felt like I was in a movie because everything was so stunning. The greenest of greens, beautiful bright purple thistle flowers, moors that were spooky and misty. Very witchy in the very best way.”
Ashley: “It was really magical once we made it into the highlands. Our first taste was riding through the moors on a misty day, which was an experience I won’t forget. I felt like I was in an episode of Outlander. Riding along Loch Ness was fun too - no Nessie sightings though!”
Heather: “The Highlands are a very beautiful and primitive place. There’s so much land that has been untouched by modern civilization. Consequently, I continually felt like I was being transported back in time, to primeval times. I felt an innate understanding that all this land has been here before me and will be here after me. So much nature and beauty really put me in a present moment of joy and appreciation through the ride.
Every day had its own unique scenery and beauty. However, riding through Glencoe was quite magical. The Three Sisters of Glencoe were so large and majestic. They left me with a sense of awe and wonder. Not to mention, everything was so lush and green.”
Bring your warm gear! Even though we did this ride in July, it was chilly out on the road even when the sun was out. We recommend bringing top and bottom wool layers. They will keep you insulated without overheating and will wick moisture. Plus, you can wear wool for multiple days, and it won’t get stinky! We were lucky enough to only get rained on a couple of times, but the rain gear we had with us was a lifesaver.