Black Stitch Label: @blackstitchlabel


Meet Guinevere Simpson: a talented seamstress, Guinevere combined her passion for motorcycles and sewing & creates custom motorcycle seats and travel bags under her own brand, Black Stitch Label. We asked Guinevere a bit more about herself, her business, and if she has any advice for those who are inspired to ride their own or start their own business:

Q: How long have you been riding and what bike do you ride?

A: I’ve been riding for 6 years now and currently I own a Suzuki and a Yamaha.

Q: What does riding mean to you/ How has riding changed your life?

A: Riding means freedom to me. It lets you be you without anyone's permission. You’re in control.

Riding has changed my life completely! It’s given me the courage to try new things. It’s opened up so many opportunities within the motorcycle industry, utilizing my passion for sewing. 

Q: Do you have any advice for women who are thinking about buying a motorcycle? 

A: Take the riding course first! I had no idea what style of bike I wanted to ride, and with so many opinions out there, you wanna find what fits you. Don’t get in the mindset you gotta ride the same bike as your friends, ride whatever fits you and have fun doing it!


Q: Tell us how you started Black Stitch Label?  How did you get into your craft?

A: Once I started riding motorcycles, I fell in love and wanted to combine my passion of sewing with this new found love of motorcycles. I took the only class available for intro to upholstery here in Salt Lake City. I learned all I could through that class; soon after, I started working alongside a local upholsterer in a motorcycle shop. I’ve always been stitching things together one way or another throughout my life, from sewing my  hand-me-down clothes, blankets, and later fashion holsters. 

Q: Describe to us what your day-to-day looks like when running your own business.

A: I’ve been trying to keep things on a schedule, so I don’t feel so scatterbrained or overwhelmed. For some reason, my body wants me up at 6am, so that’s when you’ll find me replying to emails, taking photos of products, and working on the back end of things. Once I’ve made an assessment of the day's work ahead, I double check I have all the supplies to complete each task. 

I’ll switch from sewing travel bags to sewing seat covers for the rest of the day. 

Q: What is your favourite part of running Black Stitch Label? Your least favourite?

A: My favorite part is the sewing! I absolutely love making something from scratch and having something badass to show in the end. Especially when you see the excitement in your clients eyes after seeing their vision come to life.

It’s no secret, but shaping a seat for me is my least favorite part. It’s just messy and time consuming getting it symmetrical. This is when my scheduling really comes into play. I’ve been able to get shaping done all in one day instead of spreading it out here and there throughout the week like I had before. To remedy that mess, I wear a full hazmat suit, complete with a full face mask. This cuts down on the foam sticking to me and tracking it everywhere. 

Q: What advice do you have for other women who might be wanting to start a business or venture of their own?

A: Make a business plan! Don’t overwhelm yourself with so many projects. Focus, take one step at a time, and before you know it you’ll be taking leaps in the direction you want. Write down what’s most important to you and hold to it.. Above all practice, practice and more practice – shit takes time, so don't beat yourself up over it. Also don’t compare yourself to others and support your community.

Q: Do you have any personal philosophies you live your life by?

A: Never try, never know. 

This is a saying I picked up on one of my travels in South East Asia, and it’s stuck with me ever since. It’s there that I have tried so many things I never thought I would, because I said to myself, “Never try, never know”. Basically, it means – how am I gonna know I won’t like it if I don’t find out for myself. Now I ride motorcycles, skydive, and actively try new things, because you never know til you try.

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